Buteyko Clinical Trials
- Click on the name of the study to read a short description of the results and find a link to the complete study.
There are currently seventeen clinical trials investigating the Buteyko Method as an adjunct for asthma.
Trials investigating the Buteyko Method showed positive results including improved asthma control, improvements to lung function and reduced need for asthma medication.
Comments from the papers include:
“If a drug could show these results, then it is likely that it would be used widely in asthma control” (Hassan et al, 2012)
“This study demonstrated that the BBT (Buteyko Breathing Technique) can effectively improve the total serum IgE, the ventilatory function in terms of FVC, FEV1, PEF, FEF25–75% and FEV1/FVC, and C-ACT scores in children with bronchial asthma.” (Elnaggara, 2016)
“In conclusion, we found that those practising the Buteyko breathing technique (BBT) reduced hyperventilation and their use of beta2-agonists. A trend toward reduced inhaled steroid use and better quality of life was observed in these patients without changes in objective measures of airway calibre.” (Bowler et al, 1998)ss BTS asthma guidelines.
You can find a full list of the clinical trials here.
1. Effectiveness of Buteyko Breathing Technique on Respiratory Physiological Parameters Among Patients with Bronchial Asthma
Buteyko Breathing Technique was found to be significantly effective in improving the respiratory physiological parameters among patients with bronchial asthma.
Huidrom K. et al, 2016, Effectiveness of Buteyko breathing technique on respiratory physiological parameters among patients with bronchial asthma, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 7, Issue 5, pp. 11328-11331.
2. Efficacy Of Non-invasive Respiratory Techniques In The Treatment Of Children With Bronchial Asthma: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Ragab K Elnaggar, Mohammed A Shendy. Bulletin Of Faculty Of Physical Therapy. Year: 2016, Volume: 21, Issue: 1, Page: 1-10.
This study demonstrated that the Buteyko Breathing Technique and the TLPT can effectively improve the total serum IgE, the ventilatory function in terms of FVC, FEV1, PEF, FEF25–75% and FEV1/FVC, and C-ACT scores in children with bronchial asthma. However, Buteyko breathing was more significantly effective compared with the TLPT.
3. To Compare The Efficacy Of Pursed Lip Breathing And Buteyko Breathing Technique To Reduce The Symptoms Of Exercise Induced Asthma In Obese Children
The subjects were treated with pursed lip breathing and Buteyko breathing technique along with relaxation technique and chest mobility exercise using bilateral upper limb patterns of PNF for duration on 1 week. Both the group were found to be effective in reducing the symptoms of EIA. We found clinical significance in both the groups But clinically subjects with Buteyko breathing technique showed more improvement than subjects with pursed lip breathing technique.
Chavda MV and Shah HM. (2016) To compare the efficacy of pursed lip breathing and Buteyko breathing technique to reduce the symptoms of exercise induced asthma in obese children, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 8, Issue 07, pp. 35058-35064.
4. Effect Of Buteyko Breathing Exercise In Newly Diagnosed Asthmatic Patients. Prasanna K, Sowmiya K, Dhileeban C. Int J Med Public Health 2015;5:77–81
The results of this study support the effectiveness of Buteyko breathing exercise over the standard treatment in the newly diagnosed asthmatic patients. There was a statistically significant improvement of daily Asthma Control and PEFR in the group who did Buteyko breathing exercise for 2 months over the control group. With an intervention that is safe, equally efficacious and cheap, it is possible to use this Buteyko breathing technique as a primary treatment method in the management of asthmatic patients at the primary health care level itself.
5. Role of Buteyko Breathing Technique in Asthmatics with Nasal Symptoms
In collaboration with the University of Limerick, Patrick McKeown was the instructor in a clinical study investigating the Buteyko Method as a treatment for rhinitis in asthma. Results showed a 70% reduction of nasal symptoms in participants, including snoring, loss of smell, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing through the nose.
Adelola OA. et al. 2013, Role of Buteyko Breathing Technique in asthmatics with nasal symptoms, Clinical Otolaryngology April; 38(2):190-191.