About Kasper

Kasper Andersen Buteyko

Kasper Søgaard Andersen is passionate about the human body. He has his own clinic in the heart of Aarhus. Tairo Klinik is a clinic that specializes in the treatment of musculo-skeletal problems, using among others Rolfing and acupuncture. Kasper also has an extensive background in sports. He has played handball at elite-level and later he moved on to pursue things such as yoga, qigong, martial arts (with 3 years in Japan) and running. Kasper has always felt that breathing was the key to our deepest potential, and has focused on breathing for many years. At one point Kasper decided it was time to start sharing this knowledge and this was the reason for the creation of Buteyko Center.

Kasper wants to show how powerful a tool breathing can be for those who use it right. Anybody with breathing-related disorders will benefit greatly from Kasper’s knowledge in this area, but this is not limited to medical conditions. Breathing is also for top athletes and weekend warriors who want to achieve the final edge in their sporting goals. Do you want to achieve your true potential? Then BREATHE … RIGHT!

”As a trainer tames a lion, an elephant or a tiger slowly, so should the sadhaka acquire control over his breath gradually, otherwise it will destroy him”. (Hatha Yoga Pradipika)


  • Oxygen Advantage, with Patrick McKeown
  • Diploma in Buteyko Method, with Patrick McKeown


Kasper has also taken the following education:

  • RAH (Reciprok Antagonist Hæmning), with David Bonde (2017)
  • P-DTR Foundation Series Module 1-4, with José Palomar (Jan-Juni 2017)
  • Neural mobilization for structural integration: Neural mobilization of the viscera, with Jon Martine (2016)
  • Neural mobilization for structural integration: Peripheral nerves of shoulder and pelvic girdles, with Jon Martine (2016)
  • Mobilisering og manipulation af cervikal columna og cerviko-thorakale overgang, wtih Correction Academy (2016)
  • Mobilisering og manipulation af skulder, albue og håndled, wtih Correction Academy (2016)
  • Mobilisering og manipulation af lumbalcolumna og thorakolumbale overgang, wtih Correction Academy (2016)
  • Medicinsk Akupunktur, Del 2, with Nicholas Garner (2016)
  • Neurokinetic Therapy Level 1, wtih David Weinstock (2016)
  • Mobilisering og manipulation af thorakalcolumna og ribben, wtih Correction Academy (2016)
  • Medicinsk Akupunktur, Del 1, wtih Nicholas Garner (2016)
  • Mobilisering og manipulation af hofte, knæ og fod, wtih Correction Academy (2016)
  • Akupunktur til børn – Chinese pediatrics, with Dr. Gali Stoffman (2016)
  • Akupunktur til børn – Integrative approach to acute otitis media and tonsilitis, with Dr. Gali Stoffman (2016)
  • Akupunktur til børn – The basic disease patterns in childhood, with Dr. Gali Stoffman (2016)
  • El-Akupunktur version 2, wtih Thies Mathiasen (2015)
  • Medicinsk akupunktur, with Nicholas Garner (2015)
  • Meridianbalancering 2, wtih Lars Kjeldal (2015)
  • Meridianbalancering 1, wtih Lars Kjeldal (2015)
  • Myofascial integration of the leg – Foot, knee, hip and pelvis, wtih Art Riggs (2015)
  • Buteyko åndedrætskursus, wtih John Ottesen (2015)
  • Triggerpunktakupunktur – Smertemønstre i nakke, hoved og skuldre, wtih Vigdis Lysne & Bruno Aamo (2015)
  • El-Akupunktur, with Thies Mathiasen (2015)
  • AcuNova/Akupunktur 2000, wtih John Boel Jr. (2014)
  • Chinese Medicine Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, wtih Dr. Suzanne Robidoux (2014)
  • The Power of Moxa: Saving the Fire of Life, with Dr. Suzanne Robidoux (2014)
  • Advanced Scalp Acupuncture Practicum for Neurological and Psychosomatic Diseases, wtih Dr. Suzanne Robidoux (2014)
  • 4th Scandinavian TCM Congress – Chinese Medicine and Spirituality: Cultivation of the Practitioner, the Healer and the Alchemist, wtih: Yair Maimon, Lillian Pearl Bridges, Suzanne Robidoux, Hans Erik Foldberg, mm. (2014)
  • Master Tung’s Acupuncture, wtih Dr. Hui Zhang (2014)
  • Acupuncture Education at Akupunkturakademiet in Aarhus
  • Sportsskadekursus, wtih Jeppe Sindal (2014)
  • Vejrtrækning 2, with Stanley Rosenberg & Linda Thorborg (2014)
  • Cranial Sacral Touch and Perception for Rolfers, wtih Ray McCall (2013)
  • The flexible spine, wtih Jim Asher (2013)
  • Education as a Rolfer (Sep 2011 – Dec 2012) at the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration in Boulder, USA and Bali, Indonesia.
    • Modul 1: Foundations of Rolfing Structural Integration, wtih Michael Polon, Meg Maurer, Adam Mentzell
    • Modul 2: Embodiment of Rolfing Structural Integration & Rolf Movement Integration, with Ray McCall, Jon Martine
    • Modul 3: Clinical Application of Rolfing Theory, with Raquel Motta, Fernando Bertolucci
  • Education as Rolf Movement Practitioner, wtih Raquel Motta (2012)
  • Anatomy Trains ® Myofascial Meridians, wtih Thomas Myers (2012)
  • Fascial Release for Structural Balance Series: The Spine, wtih Thomas Myers (2012)
  • Neural Manipulation – Neuromeningeal Manipulation – NM1 at The Barrall Institute, wtih Roberto Bonanzinga (2012)
  • Kranio-sakral terapi (KST1) at Stanley Rosenberg Instituttet, with Helle Haugaard (2012)
  • Basis Kursus at Stanley Rosenberg Instituttet, wtih Heather Smith (2010)
  • Bachelor in Philosophy and Japanese Studies, Aarhus University.
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